Sunday, January 27, 2008

Levon Aronyan winner in group "A"!

he did it!!!!!! i just adore him:)))))

for those unaware:
with 8 points Levon Aronyan of Armenia shares the first place with Magnus Carlsen, the wunderkind of Norway at Wijk aan Zee Corus chess 2008.

one can watch Aronyan's last game in the tournament here:

we were following the previous tours at 517design's place, if smb interested to catch up.

as a bonus to arm chess fans, another grossmeister of Armenia, Sergey Movsesyan won the first place in the tournament group "B"!
armenians rock in chess!:))))

another update: the report on the official website:

duplicated from

Monday, January 21, 2008

only in armenia... pre-election edition

here found some parallels between jews & armenians, then remembered the fun series "only armenians..."

let's add to the series. sorry, if won't be that funny.

only in armenia an "intellectual" comes to power with a pan-national movement & tyrannises the same folk so that in 5 years has to falsify the election results.

only in armenia the "intellectual", who has been in tribunes of mln's demonstrators & got the power only due to this national wave, will force a bloody crackdown of folks' demonstrations.

only in armenia the monster will stay unpunished & be back & play a victim, an opposition, a fighter (the only one in horizon) for democracy & liberalism. & with such cynicism discredit the ideas of democracy & liberalism.

only in armenia years after his bloody crackdown the intellectual-monster will again use mass-demonstrations & again be back to its tribunes & from there criticize everything & everybody, the current powers, the current opposition, complain of limiting his freedom of speech, of prosecutions.

& only in armenia ppl will sincerely believe in him & go after him. again.

how? koz ppl have short memory? what's this? a mass-amnesia? is it curable?

to freshen memories:

video via pigh

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Ararat live:)

тут можно посмотреть на Арарат по вебкамере:
via PanArtur
here u may watch Ararat by webcam:

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Monday, January 14, 2008

baku, azerbaijan. january, 1990.

another black day in armenian calendar. pogroms in baku. the last in the series of modern azerbaijan. & today mediators convince us to live again together with those pogromshiks?! give armenian cities & villages under azerbaijani control? fuck off. till the end of days we will remember & remind & never ever let it happen to us again.

my memories.. was still a kid, adults were trying to hide such things from us. i remember in winter of '89 during evacuation after earthquake we had a neighbor, an armenian refugee from kirovabad. every time she could find an ear, she was telling her stories.. mother didn't let us close when they were talking, but once i heard a rape story, which i wasn't able to understand back then. she was about my monther's age. alone, lost her family. i can't understand why she needed to retell & refresh her hurts all the time?! now i get, her speech defect wasn't from birth. what i cannot get, kirovabad was in 88, sumbait was even before. how, how armenians could stay in that damned country after such pogroms?!
too late...

rest in peace

чтобы помнили
13-го января 1990-го года, Баку. Армянские погромы
Баку 1990
Январь - 1990
Anti-Armenian pogroms and massacre in Baku Back in 1990
13-го января 1990-го года, Баку. Армянские погромы
Январь 90 года. Ереван, Армения
гром не грянет
мемуары генерала Лебедя
воспоминания Александра Сафарова
Преданные бакинцы


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